Monday, February 25, 2013
Spy Racers!
Spy Racers is here! Hex Game's new supplement for Sex, Lies and Ultraspies features rules for super-powered cars for your super-powered spies. I totally want to hack it to do a M.A.S.K. game. Robert McCabe wrote it. Jeffrey Johnson and James Hornsby did interior art. I did layout and cover art. CHeck it out!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
"Spy Racers" Cover
I just finished the cover for Spy Racers, an upcoming vehicle and racing supplement for Sex, Lies and Ultraspies from Hex Games.
The op art background pattern was fun to do.
The op art background pattern was fun to do.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Starting a New Blog!
Howdy gang!
The Stegogsaurus Studios page is going to under go a little bit of restructuring. Nothing major. I'm going to refocus this blog on creative projects, specifically my illustration and games that I'm writing, producing, etc.
General RPG stuff, actual plays, con reports, all that other stuff, will now be the focus of my new gamer-blog, Bernie the Flumph. Go check it out, follow it, tell your friends, tell a stranger!
All part of the new 2013 initiative!
The Stegogsaurus Studios page is going to under go a little bit of restructuring. Nothing major. I'm going to refocus this blog on creative projects, specifically my illustration and games that I'm writing, producing, etc.
General RPG stuff, actual plays, con reports, all that other stuff, will now be the focus of my new gamer-blog, Bernie the Flumph. Go check it out, follow it, tell your friends, tell a stranger!
All part of the new 2013 initiative!
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Scravers - A "Mutant Future" Monster
We have to put our weekly Monsterhearts game on pause for a couple of weeks. I want to run something on the other side of the RPG spectrum to fill the gap, and I think I've settled on Mutant Future, a Gamma World homage from Goblinoid Games.
I needed some relatively low-HP humanoids to use as antagonists for the adventure I have planned. None of the monsters in the Mutant Future book were exactly what I was looking for, so I made up my own. Let me introduce you to the Scravers. Gotta' love me some rat-people.
No. Enc.: 2d4 (6d6)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 7 (leather armor)
Hit Dice: 4****
Attacks: 2 (claws) or 1 (weapon)
Damage: 1d6/1d6 plus poison, or by weapon
Save: L3
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: II (XVIII)
Scravers are squat humanoid rodents that resemble bipedal shrews. They are known for their greed, cruelty, and cowardice. Their large, thick fingered hands are equipped with retractable claws that secret a paralytic venom. Scravers gather in small semi-tribal gangs lead by the strongest and cruelest of their kind. They prefer to live underground, in ruins, or the dark parts of the wasteland, trusting their echolocation and sharp sense of smell to guide them. Gangs of scravers often raid small settlements and caravans for food, loot, and salvage.
Scravers are cowardly, and prefer to attack opponents from a distance with bows, crossbows, or salvaged firearms. If forced into close combat, they attack with two claws. An opponent wounded by a claw attack must save against paralysis or become paralyzed for 1d6 rounds (Class 10 poison). The scravers' echolocation grants them a +2 to hit in combat. If a fight goes against them, scravers will use their venom to paralyze their foes and flee.
For every 6 scravers, there will be one 5HD sub-boss with AC 6 (studded leather). For every 18 scravers there will be a 6HD boss with AC 5 (chainmail) who saves at L4, and inflicts +1 damage in combat. There is a 50% chance that a boss scraver will be accompanied by a 5 HD savant with 1d3 beneficial mental mutations.
Scravers often breed and train giant rats for use as guard animals.
Mutations: Ecolocation, Increased Sense (scent), Natural Weapons, Toxic Weapon
Standard: 300
Sub-Boss: 800
Boss: 1320
Savant: 950/1100/1250
I needed some relatively low-HP humanoids to use as antagonists for the adventure I have planned. None of the monsters in the Mutant Future book were exactly what I was looking for, so I made up my own. Let me introduce you to the Scravers. Gotta' love me some rat-people.
No. Enc.: 2d4 (6d6)
Alignment: Chaotic
Movement: 90' (30')
Armor Class: 7 (leather armor)
Hit Dice: 4****
Attacks: 2 (claws) or 1 (weapon)
Damage: 1d6/1d6 plus poison, or by weapon
Save: L3
Morale: 6
Hoard Class: II (XVIII)
Scravers are squat humanoid rodents that resemble bipedal shrews. They are known for their greed, cruelty, and cowardice. Their large, thick fingered hands are equipped with retractable claws that secret a paralytic venom. Scravers gather in small semi-tribal gangs lead by the strongest and cruelest of their kind. They prefer to live underground, in ruins, or the dark parts of the wasteland, trusting their echolocation and sharp sense of smell to guide them. Gangs of scravers often raid small settlements and caravans for food, loot, and salvage.
Scravers are cowardly, and prefer to attack opponents from a distance with bows, crossbows, or salvaged firearms. If forced into close combat, they attack with two claws. An opponent wounded by a claw attack must save against paralysis or become paralyzed for 1d6 rounds (Class 10 poison). The scravers' echolocation grants them a +2 to hit in combat. If a fight goes against them, scravers will use their venom to paralyze their foes and flee.
For every 6 scravers, there will be one 5HD sub-boss with AC 6 (studded leather). For every 18 scravers there will be a 6HD boss with AC 5 (chainmail) who saves at L4, and inflicts +1 damage in combat. There is a 50% chance that a boss scraver will be accompanied by a 5 HD savant with 1d3 beneficial mental mutations.
Scravers often breed and train giant rats for use as guard animals.
Mutations: Ecolocation, Increased Sense (scent), Natural Weapons, Toxic Weapon
Standard: 300
Sub-Boss: 800
Boss: 1320
Savant: 950/1100/1250
Monday, January 21, 2013
Leopard Women of Venus color artwork
So what with one thing and the other and whatnot, it's been a while since I updated the old Stegosaurus Studios blog. Let's fix that.
In fits and starts, I've been working on getting Leopard Women of Venus ready for a print edition. We're doing the thing in color, which means all the interior art (which was originally black, white, and red) needs to be colorized. So I've been doing that. I'm pretty happy with the results, especially the map of Venus.
Check 'em out!
In fits and starts, I've been working on getting Leopard Women of Venus ready for a print edition. We're doing the thing in color, which means all the interior art (which was originally black, white, and red) needs to be colorized. So I've been doing that. I'm pretty happy with the results, especially the map of Venus.
Check 'em out!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Gencon 2012 (Post-Con Report)
Gencon has one again come
and gone. Some games were played and some lessons were learned, and a
good time was had by most.
Here's a break down of my
personal experiences. It doesn't touch on other people's games, I'm
afraid, but Hex Games ran over 20 games and six seminars this year.
Quite a busy and successful Gencon!
I smartly took the day
before my first day at Gencon off, so I'd be well-rested. What a
novel idea. Sadly, the day before Gencon is much like the night
before Christmas, so I didn't get any sleep Tuesday night/Wendesday
morning. Undaunted, I spent the morning and afternoon packing and
finishing last minute preparations.
I eventually left Toledo
in Dory (The Little Buick that Shouldn't) at 5pm, expecting to get to
Indianapolis at about 10pm. Fatigue suddenly hit me near Lima, but
with the aid of a 15-minute snooze, a Vivarin pill, and an all-80s
radio station, I was quickly back up to speed. I tooled into the
Airport Ramada at 10ish and waited for Ian to get back from his first
day at Gencon while watching Cartoon Network and putting the last
details on my Hobomancer game.
My first day at Gencon
Crouching Tiger Beetle,
Hidden Dragonfly
My kung-fu fantasy/cartoon
bugs mash-up game for QAGS. I only had three players, but they were
all fans of the wuxia genre and cartoon bugs in general, so they
“got” the adventure perfectly. The adventure ran smoothly—a
princess was delivered, the Scorpion Devil was thwarted (for now),
and the Bandit King was humiliated. The Kung-Fu rules I came up with
need a little more play-testing, but I look forward to developing
this setting further.
Later that evening, I went
to The Ram to meet with a group of Kickstarter backers for Mike
Nystul's Axes & Anvils rpg. Unfortunately, we never decided to
all wear a white carnation, or dwarf hat, or anything else that would
identify ourselves to each other. It takes a bit (and Mike is late)
but we eventually all found each other, and, after waiting an hour to
get in, had a lovely meal and discussed Mike's new game. To sum up,
Axes & Anvils is a game I want to play NOW, and Omnipotent Ale is
the best thing ever brewed.
Also, I left my hat at the
Ram. I eventually got it back, but this was the first in what would
become a series of forgetful mishaps.
Steve and Richard arrived
in Indianapolis shortly after Ian and I returned to the Ramada.
My busiest day at the con!
Justice Band: the
Spirit of Rock
Lots of Hex Gamers have
run Justice Band games, but this was my first time. I had a few
return players, and aside from a couple of players choosing to play
characters I had intedned to use as villains, the game went
incredibly smoothly and was a lot of fun. The PC cast included Gene
Simmons (Gimmick: Prehensile Tongue), Ted Nugent (Gimmick: Trick
Archer), Geddy Lee (Gimmick: Summon Owls; Weakness: Canadian), Kieth
Richards (Gimmick: Immortal; Weakness: Occasionally Dead), and Glen
Danzig (Gimmick/Weakness: Werewolf).
Characters, Unconventional Worlds; Superheroes vs. the Forces of
These were seminars I sat
in on as a panelist. Hex's seminars didn't attract a lot of people
this year. This is probably because our seminars were located in the
Crowne Plaza way on the outskirts of the con. Also, we've done these
subjects quite a few times and it's probably time to think of some
new subjects.
Hobomancer: Suffer the
Little Children
My goal with this
Hobomancer game was to prove that Hobomancer is not a comedy game and
is capable of real horror. The plot revolved around a series of child
murders and I stole a lot of elements from Hellraiser.
I had an awesome group of players and the game went geat, even if I
had to leave about half of what I wrote on the cutting room floor.
Strategic use of nursery rhymes to flush out Boogeymen! Yes!
was my busiest day of the con. I had back-to-back events from 10am to
8pm. I was supposed to go play in the Indie Games on Demand room
(bought tickets and everything), but Hobomancer ran long and I was
exhausted, so I missed it but wasn't too upset about it.
arrived in Indianapolis that night while Steve, Richard, and I were
playing the new Smash-Up card game. We woke up Ian, who was trying to
sleep. Sorry Ian.
deprivation begins to wear on Josh's psyche.
Magic; Hobos, the New Pirates?
more panels, again in the Crowne Plaza. We've done these panels
before and we had the patter down pretty good. It's probably the last
year for both of these.
was my light day. I ran no events, and only sat in as a co-panelist
on the seminars.
morning Aaron Huss of the Roleplayers Chronicle interviewed me. I
talked with him a good deal about QAGS, and Hobomancer in particular.
Even though it was three days into the con and I was a bit loopy, I
don't think I embarrassed myself of the company.
was, however, late for the interview, as I had to run back to the
hotel (thanks, Richard!) and get ym badge, which I had left on a
table. I also left my hat (oh that hat) in the press room with Aaron.
The downward spiral of forgetful hijinx continued.
did some more shopping and bought abunch of miniatures for cheap to
use in Ben Balestra's Pathfinder campaign. Sadly, I lost this sack of
minis somewhere between the dealer's room and coming home Sunday. I
have no idea what happened to them.
night was the most important even for Hex--”Hex Games has Dinner
with People we Like at the Ram.” Hex Knome and friend Mark Kuszek
was there, as was Andy Davis of Crafty Games who totally sold me on
their new crime-empire game, whose name I forget right now.
did not forget my hat this time. Also, peanut butter and bacon on a
burger isn't too bad.
night I made it to Indie Games on Demand (ticket!) and played Dungeon
World for two hours. I'm a big
fan of Apocalypse World
and was not disappointed by the dungeon fantasy hack for it. IGoD
games are only set for two hour slots, and we spent most of that time
fighting a dracolich and falling up and down bottomless pits. Still,
I had a blast and look forward to buying the actual game.
day at the Gencon.
two seminars we have done numerous times in the past. The Sword &
Sorcery one was decently attended and the audience interaction was
great. I skipped out on the Unconventional Characters panel so I
could go give Oni Games a copy of Leopard Women of Venus.
there's one thing you could take away from the Hex Games seminar,
it's that Hex Games loves the Gray Mouser and Fafhrd, and we love
Grant Morrison. We brought them both up a lot.
Age Supers: The Return of Stardust
was my QAGS game featuring Golden Age, public domain superheroes
coming out of retirement to stop the return of an angry Stardust the
Super Wizard. It was basically World War Hulk with weird characters
from the 40s and 30s. Leighton got to play as The Music Master and
did a wonderful job playing up the “Arrogant Jerk” Weakness.
Other players chose Silver Streak, Sub-Zero, Daredevil (the original,
not that fly-by-night blind guy), Black Terror, and The Clock.
knew this game would live or die by how creative the players were,
and I was not disappointed. The players were great. They picked up
the Golden Age tropes very quickly, and we even got a happy ending
for Stardust and the world! A damn fine way to end Gencon!
Stardust game started late because I left my game notes in the car
and had to run back to get them. Thankfully Leighton took that time
to educate the other players on the cosmic horror that is Stardust
the Super Wizard.
we left Gencon for good, we had a wonderful Mexican dinner at Sol del
Tala, a delightful restaurant some distance away from the convention
center. We got some Hex Games business banged out, and Richard and I
brainstormed some ideas for a Hobomancer card game.
dinner we parted ways. This was only my second actual Gencon, and it
was better than the last, despite my steadily degrading mental state.
When I got home I slept for 15 hours and felt worlds better for it.
Back to civilian life.
always great to see my friends from and around Hex Games. It's a pity
I don't get to see them more often. Still, I came home creatively
recharged with a bunch of new ideas buzzing in my head. I can't wait
to see them again in October for Archon!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Gencon Prep
I'm finally printing out my materials for Gencon.
I've been having fun making these groovy tri-fold character sheets for my games, but I wasn't sure how they'd look until I printed them out. I'm happy to say that they turned out pretty spiffy...
I'm mostly done with game-prep at this point (mostly). Now It's just a matter of packing and getting the car ready--a feat in and of itself.
I've been having fun making these groovy tri-fold character sheets for my games, but I wasn't sure how they'd look until I printed them out. I'm happy to say that they turned out pretty spiffy...
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